Love Spark

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Date Night To-do

Tip: Having a focus on connection with your partner is the MOST important component to a Remarkable Date Night. Curating a Remarkable Date Night is more than an Instagram-worthy set up to capture in photo and post it. It’s about finding ways to connect to your partner and remember what makes your relationship special.

Post: Welcome to Love Spark! A personal service company that focuses on making routine date nights remarkable. As our about section states, Love Spark was dreamt up because of pain. The pain of missing the connection between a couple. The pain of planning date nights that feel more like another item to check off a to-do list during an already hectic week. So, how can you keep the spark in your date night and avoid the feeling of routine?

According to the article, Date Nights Linked to Stronger Marriages, More Sexual Satisfaction, According to New Study, by the Wheatley Institute found that only 48% of couples go on regular date nights. However, those who participate in regular date nights, identified as one to two times per month reported, “greater levels of marital happiness, stability, and sexual satisfaction than those who don’t.”

While this information isn’t new, it’s a good reminder to prioritize your relationship whether you are married or not. Date nights can be more than another item to check off your to-do list, it is a moment in time for you to connect as a couple, have fun, let lose, and maybe even learn something new about each other. So how can you turn your routine date night into a remarkable one? Check out the highlights below to learn more!

5 Tips to turn a routine date night into Remarkable Date Night:

  1. Pay attention and take notes: no matter how many months or years you are with your person, it’s totally okay to take notes during everyday conversations when your partner off-handedly mentions things they would like to do, try, or enjoy. These simple comments can lead to glowing smiles in the future.

  2. Change is inevitable: Over time our relationships change, our partners change, and we change. It’s important to recognized that what may have been exciting, new, or wanted last year may not be the same this year, and that is okay.

  3. Ask better questions: An issue I have seen for many couples is that they forget about tips 1 and 2. When we fail to pay attention, take notes, and acknowledge how we change; we fail to ask questions that can lead us in a new direction for date night planning. Ultimately, they lose the opportunity to connect with their partners.

  4. Let go of expectation: So many times when planning a date night there can be a lot of expectations that get placed on all the details involved. From how the staff of a location should behave, and how the date will unfold, to how your parter will react. Part of the beauty of a Remarkable Date Night is being in the moment for the adventure and letting go of expectations. Letting go of expectations allows true and authentic feelings and fun to take its place.

  5. Self-reflect: I have seen it on numerous occasions, a significant other chooses to pull out all the stops to impress their partner for a date night, only to ruin the moment because it is something they don’t enjoy. You have two options here. Leave things like this for your partner to do solo or with friends/family, or truly be open and appreciate watching them experience the moment. However, you can’t go and be salty about the experience and have an underlying negative attitude. It Does. Not. Work.