What is Love Spark About?

We are about helping couples ignite sparks through the connection of Remarkable Date Nights. So, how do we do that? We do this by keeping our mission, vision, and values at the forefront of all we do.

  • Mission

    To give back time, fun, and connection to couples by helping individuals plan Remarkable Date Nights.

  • Vision

    We envision a world where relationship disconnect is replaced with connection, intimacy, and excitement.

  • Values





Embrace the Spark

Love Spark was dreamt up by Tonya during a conversation with a friend. Her friend was concerned about the lack of spark in her relationship with her husband of 15 years. Every date night had become predictable, routine, lacked excitement and connection. This was something Tonya understood from her experience as a sexual wellness consultant, that relationships hit a point where a couple just moves through the motions of a date night, instead of making time for true connection and intimacy.

Sometimes it takes an outside perspective to help reignite the spark. Taking the lessons learned from her thriving relationship, years in the sexual wellness space, and her previous marriage, Tonya decided to launch Love Spark. A service to help couples in long-term relationships get back time, fun and connection by helping individuals plan Remarkable Date Nights.